Keyword: "pediatric orthodontist Detroit"

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Quick Guide To Finding The Best Pediatric Orthodontist In Detroit

Looking for the best pediatric orthodontist in Detroit? You’ve come to the right place. Here we will provide you with the information you need to find the best pediatric orthodontist in Detroit.

Children's orthodontic treatment can begin at around 2 years old. At this point, children start developing their permanent teeth and jaws. They also begin growing facial bones and muscles.

These changes mean that kids' mouths change shape and size throughout childhood. By the time they reach adolescence, these changes become noticeable.

If you notice any of these signs or symptoms in your child:

  • A crooked smile
  • Crowding 
  • Crossbite

Or if you have concerns about how well-aligned your child’s teeth are, it may be time to schedule an appointment with a pediatric dentist who specializes in treating children.


What To Look For In A Children's Dentist

When it comes to choosing a children’s dentist, there are many things you need to consider before making the final decision. You want someone who is experienced and skilled at treating young patients.

They should also be able to provide comprehensive care for all of their needs including preventive services such as cleanings and exams.

If they have experience working with braces or other types of corrective appliances, that will make them more qualified than others.

You may also want to look into whether or not they offer emergency dental treatment. This could include filling cavities or extracting teeth if an injury occurs.

It is important to know what kind of emergencies they handle so you don't end up waiting too long for treatment.

When looking through pediatric dentistry offices, ask about any special training programs they participate in. Some clinics specialize in certain areas like oral surgery while others focus on cosmetic procedures.

Ask how often they see new patients and how quickly they get back to those who call after hours. If they take several weeks to return calls, then this might indicate that they aren't very busy.


What are examples of pediatric orthodontic and dentistry issues?

The most common orthodontic problems in children include crowding, spacing and transverse discrepancies. Pediatric dentistry is a special form of dental care that can help.

  • Crowding is the result of an overbite or underbite that causes a space between two teeth.
  • Spacing occurs when there is not enough room for all the permanent incisors to erupt into occlusion with their neighbors.
  • Transverse discrepancy refers to any difference in size among the maxillary central incisor, lateral incisor and canine on one side compared to the other. This can be due to either tooth agenesis or supernumerary teeth. 
  • Pediatric dental caries (AKA - cavities in children's teeth) are the single greatest cause of tooth loss in children. The prevalence of untreated decay has been estimated to be as high as 50%.

In addition, many studies have shown that a large percentage of all decayed teeth are not restored by their parents or caregivers.

This lack of parental involvement and care for young patients with oral health problems can lead to serious consequences such as pain, infection, abscess formation, ankyloglossia, speech disorders, malnutrition, poor school performance, social isolation, and even death.

In order to prevent these complications from occurring, it is important that parents understand what causes cavities and how they develop so that they will take appropriate action when needed.

It also helps if they know where to go for help. If you suspect any of these symptoms, contact us at 248-527-9200 today!


How Dental Professionals Can Help Your Kids' Crooked Teeth

Dentists play a vital role in helping kids who need orthodontic treatment. When treating children, we must consider several factors including age, growth rate, development stage, general medical condition, emotional maturity level, family support system, etc.

In some instances, we may recommend early intervention before the child reaches adulthood.

Orthodontic treatments involve aligning misaligned teeth using braces, wires, bands, brackets, retainers, and other appliances. These devices are designed to move individual teeth into proper alignment.

When working with younger children, we use removable appliances like headgear, elastics, and rubber bands. As the patient grows older, fixed appliances become necessary. Fixed appliances consist of metal wire, plastic ties, stainless steel clasps, and ceramic crowns.

We also perform various procedures during routine checkups such as cleaning, polishing, fluoride application, sealants, extractions, root canal therapy, gum surgery, and restorative procedures.

Some of the most common orthodontic conditions seen in children include:

  • Crowding – this results from uneven eruption of baby teeth causing them to overlap each other.
  • Spacing – this occurs when the upper front teeth do not meet properly.
  • Transverse Discrepancy – this is caused by extra teeth growing in the jawbone area.
  • Crossbite – this happens when the lower front teeth bite down onto the inside of the cheek instead of biting up towards the roof of mouth.
  • Overjet/Overbite – this occurs when the top back molars erupt too far forward than normal. It usually requires surgical correction.
  • Underbites – this occurs when the bottom front teeth grow out further than usual. They often require extraction followed by bone grafting procedure.

In short, there are numerous reasons why your child might be experiencing orthodontic dental problems. If you suspect any of these symptoms, contact us at 248-527-9200 today!


What Should Parents Know About Cavity Prevention?

The first step toward preventing cavities is educating yourself about cavity prevention. You should learn everything possible about the disease process because once you get started on the right path, you’ll never look back.

Here are some things you should know about cavity prevention...

Cavities form due to bacteria living within our mouths. This bacterial activity leads to plaque buildup which eventually hardens into tartar or calculus. The more time spent brushing and flossing daily, the less likely you are to have decay.

However, even though good oral hygiene habits prevent cavities, sometimes they still occur.

If you notice one or two decayed teeth, don’t panic.

Instead, call a pediatric dentist immediately so that he or she can treat it while it’s still small enough for treatment. Your dentist will remove the decaying tissue and apply an antibacterial agent to kill off the remaining germs. Then, if needed, he or she will fill the hole with composite resin.

You should brush twice per day with fluoridated toothpaste and rinse thoroughly after every meal. And of course - floss regularly between all pairs of teeth.

How Much Does Pediatric Orthodontics Cost?

The cost of having your child treated by a pediatric orthodontist varies depending upon where you live and which type of treatment plan you choose. The average price range for general orthodontic treatments is between $3,000-$5,500 per year.

However, some families pay much higher prices depending on their dental practice and health insurance plans.

In addition to these costs, parents must factor in time off from work when scheduling appointments. Orthodontic care often requires many regular visits to make sure that your child's treatment is going according to plan.

As a result, you should try to budget enough money to cover future expenses related to braces and other devices used during treatment.

Accordingly, most people opt to use Medicaid or Medicare coverage rather than paying out-of-pocket. These government funded healthcare systems usually require copays ranging anywhere from $10-$25 each visit.

Keep in mind that Medicaid and Medicare options usually come with limitations. They only cover specific conditions and cannot always eliminate costs for all dental health care options.

So make sure to call an insurance representative and ask for a PDF of your coverage plan so that you can financially prepare for your child's dental care.



In summary, here's what you need to consider before making any decisions regarding your kid's orthodontic care:

1) What kind of orthodontic treatment would best suit their needs?

2) How long does it take to complete this procedure?

3) Will there be additional fees associated with this particular service?

4) Is this something I want my children to experience?

5) Do I feel comfortable asking friends and family members for financial support?

Finding affordable orthodontic care for your kids doesn't have to be difficult. Just keep in mind that it can be worthwhile to budget money for treatments if you decide to seek professional dental assistance.

Our family-friendly dental office in Detroit is here to give you the most high-quality orthodontic care to children. Feel free to contact us at 248-527-9200 today!


Keyword: "pediatric orthodontist Detroit"

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